A facilitated international virtual meeting of “pioneers”, from different disciplines & cultures, coming together monthly online for 1 hour, to share experiences, challenges and opportunities, to make connections and to support and encourage each other.
Pioneers which includes entrepreneurs, authors and organisational leaders, some of whom initially took part in my Hult Ashridge research on “Pioneering Leadership”.
The format of the meeting is now as follows:
- One member presents for 15 – 20 minutes on a pioneering project that they have recently been involved in, and requests the rest of the group to consider a particular challenge being faced by the project
- Members split into break-out rooms to introduce themselves to each other, and to discuss the challenge presented
- A representative from each group presents back to the plenary group the main ideas emerging from their discussions for general discussion
- Result: members get to know each other better, and the presenter gains some fresh perspectives on the project presented.
To get in touch, send an email to jamie@blonay.co.uk or contact me on +44 7710 397824